DUO IBIZA Animal Rescue at Elke Schmidt
Nica, our pretty, about 2-year-old girl, came to Duo with Picco, Lula and Lila in April 2023, but was the most fearful and shy and we couldn't touch her for many months. The pack grew up in the wild. At first she ran away from us in panic and her whole body was shaking. She is still very shy around new people, but is becoming more trusting. With Nica you always have to be patient and sensitive to be able to touch her and put her on a leash. She is happy with our familiar employees and can be very funny from time to time, plays, is now more often funny, not dominant, loves walks and is a great driver. In order to progress a little faster with her socialization and thus better enable her to have a forever home, Nica can often go to a part-time foster home, where she now fits in perfectly with the routine without any problems. As she grew up wild in the forest and of course spends most of her time with Duo in the outdoor enclosure in a mixed pack, it is usually a problem for these dogs - including Nica - to initially feel comfortable in enclosed spaces. We can tick this point off with Nica, as well as climbing stairs or taking the elevator. She also practices being left alone for a while and there are no problems with that either. Nica is a quiet roommate and has always oriented herself towards other dogs. In the animal shelter she has had some problems for a few weeks finding a real partner she can lean on, as all her family members have now been adopted and she is the only one left. To make her happy, we are looking for empathetic people with a confident first dog, preferably a Podenco/a, and who do not expect to get a perfectly socialized dog. Nica walks well on a leash and has never shown any hunting instinct so far. People running behind her are still very scary for her, however, but we are working on such situations here on site. However, you have to expect that she will react anxiously or even briefly panic in new situations. Some of the current photos are from the part-time foster home, some of ours are from the animal shelter. Her behavior in the part-time foster home is much more open and self-confident than in the animal shelter. NICA is now in her FOSTER HOME in DUISBURG and is looking for her home from there.